Generally, bipotentiostats and polypotentiostats are apparatus capable of controlling two or more working electrodes. The main feature of the BIPOTENTIOSTAT/GALVANOSTAT HEKA PG 340 is its design as a double potentiostat which allows to control two independent working electrodes inclusive rotating ring-disc electrodes which are essential for the study of the mechanism and kinetics of electrochemical reactions.
Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat HEKA PG 340
Technical specifications: Full computer control; Automatic calibration; Wide current range; Variable hardware filtres.
Power requirements/ AC - power (110 V or 220 V, 5 to 60 Hz).
DC characteristics/Counter electrode: |
Potentiostatic mode/Counter electrode: |
Compliance voltage: ± 20 V |
Potential range: ± 20 V |
Output current: ± 2 A |
Resolution: 1mA /accuracy: 1mV |
Continous power: 20 W |
Working electrode: Disk and Ring |
Resolution A/D; accuracy: ± 0.05%, 0.5 mV 16384 steps (14 bit) |
Input current ranges: ± 1 µA, 10 µA, 100 µA, 1 mA, 10 mA, 100 mA, 1 A, 10 A |
Galvanostatic mode: |
Maximum input current: ± 2 A |
Current range: ± 1 µA to 10 A in 8 steps |
Current resolution: 0.0015% of full range |
Maximum current: ± 2A |
Minimum current resolution: 30 pA |
Minimum resolution: 0.1% of full range |
Reference electrode, Potential range: ± 10 V |
Services: Electrochemical applications in electroplating, corrosion, etc.