DILATOMETER LINSEIS L 75 VS 1000 is used to determine the thermal expansion behaviour of solids, liquids, powders and pastes for a variety of applications. The vertical design of this system is available for low or ultralow expansion materials. Another advantage of the vertical dilatometer is that, between the sample and the measuring system there is no friction, because the sample is held between push rod and the end of the measuring system.

This system can measure expansions (length changes) in the temperature range from room temperature (RT) up to 1,000°C. 

Dilatometer LINSEIS L 75 VS 1000

Technical specifications:

  • Measuring ranges: ± 25 - 2,500 µm
  • Heating rate: 2 ¸ 10 K/min
  • Max. vacuum: 10-5 mbar
  • Resolution: 0.125 nm/digit
  • Accuracy: ± 1% full scale
  • Repeatability: ± 150 nm.

Services: Dilatometric measurements and the phase transformations by thermal analysis in air,    vacuum or controlled atmosphere in the temperature range RT ¸ 1,000°C.