Equipment For The Preparation Of Nanomaterials by electrochemical deposition

Electrochemical deposition is a synthesis method in which a film of solid metal is deposited from a solution of ions onto an electrically conducting surface (an electrode). This deposition method presents the following advantages: the thickness and morphology of the nanostructure can be precisely controlled by adjusting the electrical and chemical parameters; relatively uniform and compact deposits can be synthesized in template-based structures; high deposition rates; inexpensive equipment due to the non-requirements of either a high vacuum or a high reaction temperature.

The following equipment are used for preparation of the nanosized materials in the shape of nanowires, nanotubes, nanorods, thin and thick films, nanoislands/nanoclusters:

Both are equipped with a GAMRY Echem AnalystTM software which allows data analysis. The software can analyze a data file while the potentiostat/galvanostat is running another experiment. GAMRY Echem AnalystTM software can be installed on another computer allowing experiments to be run in the laboratory and data analysis to be done from the office.