Dynamical Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) allows the dynamical determination of the main mechanical parameters of a large class of materials (metallic, plastic, composite, foams, wires) at temperatures of up to 650°C as well as of the phase transitions and activation energy. DMA 242 combines ease of handling with the user-friendly Proteus® measurement and evaluation software. This makes it fast and easy to characterize the dynamic mechanical properties as a function of frequency, temperature and time. Its modular design along with a wide variety of sample holders and cooling systems allow the DMA 242 to handle a broad range of applications and samples.
Dynamic Mechanical Analyser
Technical specifications:
- Temperature range: -170°C to 600°C
- Heating rate: 0.01 K/min to 20 K/min
- Frequency range: 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz
- High force range: 24 N (12 N static and 12 N dynamic)
- High resolution force range: 8 N (4 N static and 4 N dynamic)
- Maximum controlled strain amplitude: ± 240 pm
- Static deformation: up to 20 mm
- Modulus range: 10-3 to 106 MPa
- Damping range (tanô): 0.005 to 100
- Cooling device: Liquid nitrogen
- Compressed air with vortex tube for cooling to 0°C
- Deformation modes: 3-point bending; Single / dual cantilever bending; Shearing; Tension; Compression/penetration
- Additional measurement modes: Iso-strain; TMA mode; Creep / relaxation; Stress /Strain sweep
- Sample geometries: Dependent on the deformation mode, e.g. for 3-point bending, maximum sample dimensions: length: 60 mm, width: 12 mm, thickness: 5 mm
- Optional accessories: Immersion bath; Humidity generator; UV equipment.
Services: Dynamic determination of mechanical parameters of the different materials.