The HYSTERESISGRAPH HyMAC is used for the investigation of the AC magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials like electrical steel sheets, ferrite cores, magnetic wires and ribbons. The basic functionality of the HyMAC is the measurement of B-H hysteresis curves at certain frequencies. The relevant magnetic parameters are derived automatically via a software.
Hysteresisgraph HyMac
Technical specifications:
- Frequency range: 30 to 2,000 Hz (30 Hz, 40 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz, 400 Hz, 1,000 Hz and 2,000 Hz )
- Amplifier output: max 1.2 kVA
- Excitation: Typically up to 10 kA/m. Excitation levels are sample and material dependent
- Probe connection:
- High sensitivity probe input for low signal-to-noise ratios
- Normal sensitivity probe input - Output: Reports with HcJ, Br, Bm, Hm, losses, permeability, Eddy-current loss, hysteresis curves and customizable parameters.
Services: Measurements of the AC magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials like metallic sheets, cores/toroides, microwires and ribbons.