Magnetron Sputtering System - Model MSS-6G2-2RF-2DC/Torr International is a flexible planar magnetron sputtering system which can be used to develop the deposition process for a variety of applications, including single layer and multi-layer coatings. The system is equipped with 6 (six) 2” sputtering sources. These sources, con-focally mounted with respect to the rotational substrate stage, are flexible and shielded. Because of multi-gun capability, co-sputtering, sequential sputtering without breaking vacuum, and reactive sputtering (with active gas mixtures) are possible. The stand-alone guns with special mounting enable angular adjustment. The system processes wafers up to 4 inches in diameter and accommodates odd-size substrates.
Magnetron Sputtering System - Model MSS-6G2-2RF-2DC
Technical specifications:
- Single/Multiple Magnetron Gun Assemblies for DC / RF Sputtering Deposition
- Manual shutter assembly for all sources
- Quartz Crystal Thickness Sensor with Deposition Controller
- Mass Flow Controller with Digital Readout
- Easy Target Mounting
- Ultimate base vacuum: 10-6 Torr
- Semi-Automatic Controlled System.
Services: Preparation of ultrathin/thin films, in single layer and multilayer variants, by DC /RF sputtering technique.