
The MAGNIPHY project is structured in five Work Packages (WPs) with milestones and deliverables set with each WP making the work plan falls into two principal phases, scientific-development and personal-development of the researcher. In particular WP1 and WP2 have been the materials-oriented WPs, and they have been devoted to synthesis of TiO2 based innovative nano-heterostructured photocatalysts, design and development of magnetic field assisted photoreactors and the evaluation of visible light photocatalytic activity under magnetic field effect, respectively.  On the other hand, WP3, WP4 and WP5 have been focused on management, training, dissemination, exploitation of results and communication. The plan is structured such that there is overlap in the timing between the WPs which will allow feedback to be obtained so as to develop the system and materials effectively and combined synergistically with career development, administrative and financial aspects of MAGNIPHY project. Scientific milestones (M1.1, M2.1, M2.2) associated with the WP1 and WP2 are also clearly identified guaranteeing the effective project development with steering. A plan for dissemination is also provided (see D5.1) and progress reports (D1.2, D1.3, D2.2, D2.3) and annual reports (D3.2, D3.3) will allow the supervisor and the fellow to have an real-time evaluation on the project.

            MAGNIPHY project firstly aims (WP1) to develop a novel cost-efficient and sustainable route to fabricate innovative and highly efficient core-shell nanoheterostructured photocatalysts. Namely, the project will develop facile synthetic strategy to fabricate photocatalytic nanocomposites for photodegradation of emerging organic pollutants under solar light. The work will be focused on the synthesis of (i) TiO2 nanoparticles (T1.1) and (ii) TiO2/XFe2O4,(T1.3). Materials characterisation will be carried out by using state-of-art complementary characterization techniques to get insights on structural, electronic and magnetic properties of hybrid materials (T1.2, T1.4, T1.5). The evaluation of the efficiency of the different photocatalytic materials synthesized over model experiments (different molecules to mineralize and different illumination conditions) will be implemented in order to compare the performance of the different materials under similar conditions (T1.6). Secondly, as the main innovative approach (WP2), the project is mainly devoted to the analysis of the effects of the magnetic field on the photocatalytic activity of the synthesized nanocomposites. Analysis and quantification of the degradation products as well as elucidation of the mechanism/process of photodegradation using the innovative titania based photocatalysts will help to confirm the effectiveness and the environmental impact of the engineered nanomaterials. The effect of the applied magnetic field on both single TiO2 and TiO2/XFe2O4, will be analysed in terms of the spin polarization contribution, Lorentz forces acting on the chemical radicals, and as the effects of the charge separation in the heterojunction. For this purpose, specific photoreactors will be adapted or designed (T2.1). On one side, the application of external DC magnetic fields to conventional photoreactors (T2.4). Furthermore, the use of innovative reactors (T2.1) that would allow to create a proof-of-concept technology guaranteeing an easy and homogenous application of the magnetic field that would be afterwards scalable to commercial wastewater treatment devices. With the help of this developed reactors, the photocatalytic response under the action of the alternating high-frequency magnetic field will be also evaluated (T2.5). In this case, the local increase of temperature associated to the magnetization process of the magnetic component will be evaluated and its effect of the photocatalytic response analysed. MAGNIPHY’s innovative originally inheres largely in the development of a flower-like TiO2/XFe2O4 photocatalyst to match the photocatalytic applications, particularly for water remediation purposes. The studies to be performed within MAGNIPHY project are of fundamental as well as practical interest as they are relevant to the development of novel efficient photocatalysts active under visible light.