Project title
Contract No. 11072/2007
The project covers a research subject covering physics, chemistry and medicine knowledge.
The aim of the project is to realize, characterize, functionalize and detect some new types of multilayered nanowires, including magnetic and non-magnetic components. Of special interest are those multilayered nanowires with magnetic properties and their use in the identification of biomolecules of medical interest by optical methods or in combination with magnetophoresis process.
A number of multilayered magnetic metallic nanowires will be used as support for enzymes immobilization, which will then be employed into an electrochemical biosensor for:
(i) manipulation of the immobilized enzymes by magnetic field and their uniform orientation towards the detection electrode surface, and
(ii) decreasing the detection level.
Another objective of this project, important by its applicative implications, is represented by realization of new functional detection models for the interest biomolecule, i.e. DNA/antibodies and enzymes.
The project will contribute also to the specialization of the human resource involved in interdisciplinary domains, will strengthen the professional relationships between the involved research groups, and will form an important number of young specialists in the (bio)medical field of nanoscience applications, a wide and complex field of research nowadays.
(1) Realization of metallic nanowires based on:
a) Au, Pt, Ag and/or their combinations in multilayered structures;
b) ferromagnetic Ni, Co or Fe and/or their alloys in simple and in multilayered structures;
c) noble metals (Au, Pt, Ag) combined with ferromagnetic materials in order to obtain nanowires with different magnetic properties.
(2) Evaluation of the nanowires structure, size and shape, in connection with their magnetic and electric properties.
(3) Functionalization of nanowires with specific molecules and biomolecules (i.e. intermediates between metallic layer surface and probe-biomolecules such as DNA, mono or polyclonal antibodies or enzymes).
(4) Quantitative detection and evaluation of the target biomolecules: oligonucleotides (short fragments of the ssDNA), antibodies, carbohydrates.
(5) Realization of the laboratory models based on multilayered nanowires used as bar-codes type structures for test analysts’ detection.
Estimated results
(1) New metallic nanowires, simple or multilayered, to be used in biodetection, as supports for the enzymes immobilization or as carriers for enzymes used as active elements for magneto-electrochemical biosensors.
(2) Design and realization of a new type of electrochemical biosensor based on multisegmented magnetic and/or non-magnetic nanowires.
(3) Design and realization of new viable alternatives, more performing and cheaper, for bioanalytes detection.
(4) To improve the detection performances for target analytes by realization of optical and magneto-optical detection systems based on magnetic and non-magnetic multilayered metallic nanowires.
(5) To enhance the medical diagnosis by improving the instruments used for such purposes.
(6) 1 patent application submitted.
(7) Formation of an important number of young specialists (M.Sc. and PhD students, young researchers under 35 years old), offering a viable national alternative.
(8) Design and continuous update of the project WEB page.
(9) Creation, by the end of the project, of a CD-ROM presenting the methods, materials, and prototypes of the newly designed biosensors.
(10) Dissemination of the results by their communication at the most important national and international conferences and the publication in ISI journals.(11) Delivery of periodic technical reports.
Prof. Dr. Horia CHIRIAC
National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics
47 Mangeron Boulevard
700050, Iasi, Romania
Tel.: +40 232 430680
Fax: +40 232231132
National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, Iaşi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Horia CHIRIAC
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa”, Faculty of Medicine, Iasi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Eugen CARASEVICI
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Physics, Iaşi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Alexandru STANCU
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Chemistry, Iaşi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Gheorghe NEMŢOI
PROJECT DURATION: 36 Months (18 September 2007 - ...)
PROJECT BUDGET: 2 000 000 lei