QD PPMS-9 PHYSICAL PROPERTY MEASURING SYSTEM is used to measure magnetic, thermal and electrical characteristics of a large variety of materials: of millimeter dimensions; micro - and nanostructures including micro - and nanopowders, micro - and nanowires, thick and thin films. This complex measuring system is equipped with the following options: Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM); Torque magnetometry; AC Susceptibility (ACMS) Ultra low field (ULF); Thermal transport; Heat capacity; Electro- transport (Resistivity, Hall effect).

QD PPMS-9 Physical Property Measuring System

Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Option (VSM): The technique is based on oscillating the sample near a detection (pickup) coil and synchronously detecting the induced voltage.

Technical specifications:

  • Temperature range: 1.9 - 400 K  and 300 to 1000 K (with Oven); Precision: 0.5 K
  • Magnetic field: up to 9 Tesla (Field uniformity 9 T: ±0.01 % over 3 cm on axis)
  • Field Resolution: 0.016 mT (0.16 G)
  • Oscillation: frequency 40 Hz;  amplitude 2 mm peak - Range of 0.5 mm ¸ 5mm
  • Sample Mass: < 1 gram
  • RMS sensitivity: < 10-6 emu and <10-5 emu (with oven).

Torque Magnetometry Option: This highly sensitive torque meter utilizes a piezoresistive technique to measure the torsion of the lever created by the applied magnetic field on the sample moment. It is designed to measure moments of very small anisotropic samples.

Technical specifications:

  • Maximum sample size: 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 mm3 /Maximum sample weight: Up to 10 mg
  • RMS Moment sensitivity: 1 x 10-7 emu at 9 T for 40 sec.
  • Maximum Torque: 1 x 10-5 Nm.

AC Susceptibility Option (ACMS):  The AC Susceptibility Option adds a small alternating field to the large applied field from PPMS magnet and measure a sample’s magnetic moment response.

Technical specifications:

  • Temperature Range: 1.9  to 350 K
  • AC Susceptibility
    •  Sensitivity: 2 x 10-8 emu
    •  Amplitude: 2 mOe ¸ 15 Oe
    •  Frequency Range:10 Hz ¸ 10 kHz
  • DC Magnetization: Sensitivity: 2.5 x 10-5 emu.

Ultra Low Field Option (ULF): The system consists of a superconducting coil which cancels residual magnetic field, allowing cooling of the sample in the field below 0.1 Oe.

Technical specifications: residual field to < 0.1 G along 4 cm of the coil-set.

Heat Capacity Option: This option controls the heat added to and removed from a sample while monitoring the resulting change in temperature. Types of measurements: Heat Capacity (T= const.); Heat Capacity = f(T)

Technical specifications:

  • Temperature range:   1.9 - 400 K
  • Sample size :  1 - 500 mg (20 mg typical)
  • Resolution: 10 nJ/K at 2 K ; Accuracy: <5 %, 2 K - 300 K <2 % (typical)
  • Pressure: High vacuum (<10-4 torr).

Thermal Transport Option:

  • AC Resistivity (ρ) - Measured by using precision current source and phase-sensitive voltage detection (AC Transport)
  • Thermal Conductivity (κ) - Measured by applying heat from the heater shoe in order to create a user-specified temperature differential between the two thermometer shoes.
  • Seebeck Coefficient (α) - Measured by creating a specified temperature drop between the two thermometer shoes - just as it does to measure thermal conductivity.
  • Thermoelectric Figure of Merit ZT.

Electro Transport Option (ETO): Measures AC resistivity; Hall effect; I-V curve - A known current is passed through the sample and measure voltage on a certain direction.

Accessories: horizontal sample rotator; hydrostatic pressure cells (15÷30 kbar) for electrical measurements.

Services: Magnetic, thermal and electrical characterisation of the materials.