SIEVERT PCT PRO 2000 is an equipment used for the investigation of gas sorption properties of materials (i.e. for measuring hydrogen storage capacity). The pressure measurements are automatically regulated from 0.01 to 200 atm. The sample environment can be controlled from cryogenic temperatures to 400ºC. SIEVERT PCT PRO 2000 contains two reservoirs of known volume connected by an isolation valve. The sample is loaded into the sample volume and the initial pressure reading is taken. For absorption the reservoir is filled with the sorption gas to a predetermined pressure above that of the initial pressure in the sample volume. The isolation valve between the two volumes is opened and the gas is allowed to equilibrate between the reservoir and sample volume. By knowing the initial gas pressures and the volumes of the system, the quantities of absorbed or desorbed gas can be determined. The PCT Pro-2000 can be easily adapted for any gas sorption measurements on solids, powders, fibres, films, liquids.
Technical specifications:
PCTPro-2000 is used for the measurements of gas sorption on a single sample with a wide range of dosing volumes combined with a pressure controller-based system including:
- True kinetics (rate constant and capacity) over the full sorption or desorption range
- Pressure-Composition Isotherms (PCT, PCI) to relate composition with temperature and pressure
- Charge/discharge cycling with repeated PCT and kinetic measurements.
Services: Gas absorption measurements (i.e. hydrogen storage capacity of different materials); Porous surface investigations.