PROJECT TITLE: Magnetic Domain Wall Structures in Cylindrical Rapidly Quenched Amorphous Glass-Coated Nanowires – Applications in Magnetic Logic


FOUNDING SOURCE: Exploratory Research Projects - PNCDI III - Program 4 - Fundamental and frontier research



PROJECT DURATION: 36 months (04.01.2021- 31.12.2023).



CO - National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, NIRDTP Iasi


We aim to understand at a phenomenological/theoretical level and to experimentally emphasize the intimate structures of magnetic domain walls forming in rapidly quenched cylindrical amorphous glass-coated nanowires. Investigations will also focus on changes in such domain wall structures with nanowire dimensions and alloy compositions. To stress the practical importance of knowing the exact types of domain wall structures in rapidly quenched cylindrical amorphous nanowires, we will develop a laboratory demonstrator of an optimized domain wall conduit based on such cylindrical nanomaterial. The optimized domain wall conduit will be used to demonstrate and validate controlled operations with actual domain walls, e.g. generation/nucleation, propagation, interaction with other domain walls (collisions), stopping/trapping, as well as energy barrier crossings.

The practical aspects of moving an existing domain wall along a nanowire (for magnetic logic applications) are closely related to the magnetization distribution within that wall, allowing, for instance, the use of electrical currents to propagate the domain wall. We will correlate the results of experimental investigations (Lorentz transmission electron microscopy, volume and surface magnetic hysteresis, ferromagnetic resonance) with those of theoretical ones (analytical and micromagnetic modeling) in order to accurately describe the domain wall structures that can form in rapidly quenched cylindrical amorphous nanowires.


The main objective of this project is to understand at a phenomenological/theoretical level and to emphasize experimentally the intimate structures of magnetic domain walls forming in rapidly quenched cylindrical amorphous glass-coated nanowires. The investigations will also focus on changes in such domain wall structures with nanowire dimensions (i.e., actual metallic nucleus, glass coating, their ratio) and alloy compositions.

The derived objective of the project is to develop a laboratory demonstrator of an optimized domain wall conduit based on such cylindrical amorphous nanowires. Optimization will be performed using the knowledge gained during the experimental and theoretical study of the domain wall structures.


(1) Study of the magnetic domain wall structures and their modifications with the dimensions and compositions of amorphous glass-coated nanowires - correlation between the results of magnetic measurements and the phenomenological investigation of the domain wall structures;
(2) Amorphous glass-coated nanowire samples with various dimensions and compositions;
(3) Experimental data on the magnetic characteristics of the samples;
(4) Study of the magnetic domain wall structures and their changes with the nanowire dimensions and compositions - correlation of experimental results (including electron microscopy), the results of the phenomenological study of the domain wall structures and the micromagnetic simulations;
(5) Theoretical description of the magnetization distributions within the magnetic domain walls of glass-coated amorphous nanowires;
(6) Experimental data on the distribution of magnetization in the magnetic domain walls of amorphous glass-coated nanowires;
(7) Laboratory demonstrator of a cylindrical domain wall conduit optimized based on the results obtained in the study of the domain wall structures;
(8) Annual reports;
(9) Project final report;
(10) 1 patent application (OSIM);
(11) 6 articles submitted for publication to international scientific journals;
(12) 8 papers presented at international scientific conferences.

  1. S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári, "Structural relaxation in metastable magnetic submicronic wires”; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 905 (2022) 164260.
  2. A. Cazacu, C. Rotărescu, I. Bodale, "The relaxation effects in the Preisach-Néel model of patterned media”, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, vol. 67(71), no. 2 (2021) 9-17.
  3. C. Rotărescu, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári, "The effect of the magnetoelastic anisotropy on the magnetization processes in rapidly quenched amorphous nanowires”; Materials (2022-2023) - submitted.
  4. S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, H. Chiriac, T.-A. Óvári, N. Lupu, "Comparative study of the magnetic behavior of FINEMET thin magnetic wires: glass‐coated, glass‐removed, and cold‐drawn”; Materials 16 (2023) 1340.
  5. C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári, "Zero and highly magnetostrictive nanowires: a comparative analysis”; Physica B: Condensed Matter (2023) - submitted.
  6. S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári, "RTD fluxgate sensors based on current induced magnetization reversal in twisted glass-coated microwires”, IEEE Sensors Journal (2023) - submitted.
  7. T.-A. Óvári, G. Ababei, G. Stoian, S. Corodeanu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, "Direct observation of magnetic domain walls in glass-coated submicronic amorphous wires”, Scientific Reports (2023) - submitted.


  1. 2022 Joint MMM Intermag Conference (online), New Orleans, U.S.A., January 10-14, 2022; "Nonlinear effects in the magnetization switching of nearly zero magnetostrictive amorphous submicron wires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  2. 25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Grenoble, France, May 2-5, 2022; "Fast domain walls in magnetostrictive amorphous nanowires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  3. 2022 Joint European Magnetic Symposia, JEMS 2022 Hybrid Conference, Warsaw, Poland, July 24-29, 2022; "Nonlinear domain wall dynamics in highly magnetostrictive amorphous nanowires prepared by rapid solidification”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  4. XIII European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference (EMSA 2022), Madrid, Spain, July 5-8, 2022; "Controlled domain wall propagation in rapidly solidified amorphous nanowires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  5. 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2022), Minneapolis, U.S.A., Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2022; "Controlled domain wall interactions in nearly zero magnetostrictive amorphous submicronic wires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  6. 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2022), Minneapolis, U.S.A., Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2022; "Micromagnetic investigation of the influence of magnetoelastic anisotropy on magnetisation processes in rapidly quenched magnetostrictive amorphous nanowires”, C. Rotărescu, J. F. Pinto de Queiros Fradet, O. Chubykalo-Fesenko, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  7. 13th International Symposium on Hysteresis Modeling and Micromagnetics (HMM 2023), Vienna, Austria, June 4-7, 2023; "The effect of the magnetoelastic anisotropy on the magnetization processes in rapidly quenched amorphous nanowires”, C. Rotărescu, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  8. International Magnetics Conference INTERMAG 2023, Sendai, Japan, May 15-19, 2023; "Fast propagation and merger of magnetic domain walls in low magnetostrictive amorphous submicrometric wires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  9. Joint RQ7 & ISMANAM 27 Conference 2023 (Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials RQ7 and Intl. Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous & Nanostructured Materials ISMANAM27), Warsaw, Poland, August 20-25, 2023; "Structural relaxation in metastable magnetic submicronic wires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  10. 26th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM26), Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 4-7, 2023; "Interacting domain walls in soft magnetic amorphous nanowires”, S. Corodeanu, C. Hlenschi, C. Rotărescu, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári;
  11. 68th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2023), Dallas, U.S.A., Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 2023; "Direct observation of magnetic domain walls in glass-coated amorphous nanowires and submicronic wires”, G. Ababei, G. Stoian, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, T.-A. Óvári.
Dr. Tibor-Adrian Óvári
National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, NIRDTP Iasi
47 Mangeron Boulevard, 700050, Iasi
Tel: 0232-430.680 (int. 241)
Fax: 0232-231.132