Project Director: scientific researcher 3, Dr. Herea Dumitru-Daniel
Mentor: scientific researcher 1, Dr. Horia Chiriac
Project Summary
The project proposal responds to the new current requirements of the bioassay methods, focusing on the detection and quantitative evaluation of specific target biomolecules such as antibodies and DNA-related molecules by (i) using new approaches of in-situ strong amplification of the fluorescence optical signal generated by a biophysical event and (ii) bringing into the bioassay’s field a new and original biodetection method that uses magnetophoretic processes, involving magnetic nanoparticles conjugated to non-magnetic microparticles, by which a biophysical event, with diagnosis implications, developed at nanoscopic level is qualitatively and quantitatively pointed out by using conventional visible-spectrum microscopic means.
The project proposes to develop (i) a bioassay method with increased sensitivity and limit of detection when target biomolecules are in very low concentrations and (ii) a new method for the rapid, efficient and relatively economic biodetection of target antibodies as markers of specific diseases. Both chosen solutions are based on magnetic and non-magnetic particles and magnetic separation processes.
Financial support: Grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCSIS—UEFISCDI
Project duration 30 M (from 1 May 2013 to 30 October 2015)
Project no. 8/2013
Project Code: PNII-RU-PD-2012-3-0427
Total funding requested
Year |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Requested funding (Lei) |
96.250,00 |
113.438,00 |
80.312,00 |
The Main Project Objective
Developing of detection solutions leading to the increase of sensitivity, and improving of detection limit for some bio-barcode type assays.
1. The obtaining of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles by using physico-chemical routes.
2. The obtaining of gold nanoparticles by using chemical routes.
3. The obtaining of polystyrene microparticles by using an emulsion polymerization method.
4. Data regarding the structure, sizes, shapes and magnetic characteristics of the obtained nano and microparticles.
Workshop participation:
Daniel Herea, Magnetic particles in medicine. Some practical applications, International Workshop - "Biomimetic sensing using nano-objects (BioSuN)", June 17 –19, 2013, Magurele, Romania (oral presentation).
Reports: Scientific_Report_2013.pdf
1. The obtaining of magnetic microparticles functionalized with receptor antibodies.
2. The obtaining of non-magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with receptor antibodies and oligonucleotides.
3. Data regarding the capacity of the bio-barcode method to detect and identify small concentrations of target biomolecules.
International conference participation:
Dumitru-Daniel Herea, Horia Chiriac, Marian Grigoras, George Stoian, Nicoleta Lupu, One step preparation of carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications, International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-10) Iasi, Romania, 2014.
Herea D.D., Chiriac H., Lupu N., Grigoras M., Stoian G., Stoica B.A., Petreus T, Study on iron oxide nanoparticles coated with glucose-derived polymers for biomedical applications, Applied Surface Science, 325, 2015, 117–125.
Reports: Scientific_Report_2014.pdf
Activitatea III.1. Experimente pentru stabilirea limitei de detectie si a sensibilitatii metodei de tip bio-barcode (activitate preluata din anul 2014). |
Activitatea III.2. Prepararea de microparticule nemagnetice functionalizate cu anticorpi receptor. |
Activitatea III.3. Prepararea de nanoparticule magnetice functionalizate cu anticorpi receptor. |
Activitatea III.4. Evaluarea capacitatii metodei de detectie bazata pe procese optice si magnetice de a detecta si identifica biomolecule tinta. |
Activitatea III.5. Teste pentru stabilirea limitei de detectie si a sensibilitatii metodei bazata pe procese optice si magnetice. |
Activitatea III.6. Evaluarea gradului de reproductibilitate a metodei bazata pe procese optice si magnetice. |
International conference participation:
1. D.D. Herea, H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, Towards Simple Small-Through-Big Immunoassay: Polymer Microbeads as Tags for Optical Detection in Visible Spectrum, 7th International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials ANMM´2015, 21-24, September, 2015.
2. C. Danceanu, D.D. Herea, N. Lupu, H. Chiriac, Viability evaluation of the human cancerous cells after exposure to different hyperthermic regimes, The 8th International conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM, Bucharest, 7-10 July, 2015.
3. C. Danceanu, D.D. Herea, K. Palanisamy, E. Radu, N. Lupu, H. Chiriac, Preparation and in vitro experiments of carboxymethyl chitosan-coated Fe-Ti-Nb-B micro/nanoparticles for self-controlled magnetic hyperthermia, 20th International Conference on Magnetism, Barcelona, 5-10 July, 2015.
1. Dumitru Daniel Herea, Nicoleta Lupu, Horia Chiriac, Marian Grigoras and George Stoian, Small-through-big immunoassay based on optical detection in visible spectrum - trimis spre publicare intr-o revista cotata ISI.
Reports: Scientific_Report_2015.pdf